2024 CAPASUS Conference

2024 CAPASUS Conference Program and Proceeding

(Tentative Program)



Chinese American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States (CAPASUS)
National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, and 
Science and Technology Division, TECRO, DC

2024 Academic Conference 

Building a Smart, Healthy, Diverse, Sustainable Ecosystem for Science, Technology, and Humanity 


August 16-18, 2024

Crowne Plaza, Norcross, Atlanta
6050 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. NW, Norcross, GA 30071, USA

August 16, 2024, Friday

6:00 pm, welcome party for registered CAPASUS members, conference staff, panelists, and VIPs. Location: Hibachi Buffet and Grill, 7045 Jimmy Carter Blvd., Norcross, GA 30092. Tel: (678) 966-0988.

August 17, 2024, Saturday

8:00 am – 5 pm, registration.
9-9:15 am, opening ceremony and group picture. 

Panel I: “Navigating the Future: Exploring AI’s Odyssey from Laboratory Discovery to Clinical Applications in Precision Medicine”
9:20-10:50 am

Moderator: Dr. Jeani Chang (張靜宜)

“Future Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in CNS Tumor Diagnosis”
Dr. Meng-Chang Hsiao (蕭孟昌), Vanderbilt University Medical Center 

“Role of Molecular Imaging and Imaging AI for Diagnosis and Disease Modifying Therapies of Alzheimer’s Disease”
Dr. Yu-Hua Dean Fang (方佑華), University of Alabama at Birmingham 

Machine Learning Methods for Estimating Insulin Resistance from Untargeted Metabolomics Data
Dr. Fang-Chi Hsu (許芳綺), Wake Forest University 

Panel II: “Machine Learning for Material Discovery and Emerging Microplastic Pollution”
11:00-12:30 pm

Moderator: Dr. Shan-Ching Tsai (蔡山慶)

“Beyond the Conventional: AI and Machine Learning in Materials Discovery”
Dr. Cheng-Chien Chen (陳正乾), University of Alabama at Birmingham  

“Application of Machine Learning and Edge Computing to Detect and Identify Microplastic in the Environment”
Dr. Mark Cheng (鄭明正), University of Alabama  

“Regulatory Initiatives and Risk Assessment of Microplastics”
Dr. Andrew Yeh (葉旭峰), Gradient, Seattle  

Lunch: 12:30-1:30 pm

Panel III: “Smart Cities: Safe Road Solutions Using Low-cost Smart Phones and Artificial Intelligence”
1:30-2:10 pm

Moderator: Dr. Yu-sheng Hsu (許渝生)
Speaker: Dr. James Tsai (蔡宜長), School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology 

Panel IV: “Smart Cities: Urban Systems Design for Carbon Neutrality”
2:10-2:50 pm

Moderator: Dr. Alex Kuan (管家義)
Speaker: Dr. Perry Yang (楊沛儒), Professor and Director of Eco Urban Lab of the School of City and Regional Planning and the School of Architecture at the Georgia Institute of Technology

Panel V. Young Scholar Excellent Presentation Awards
3-4 pm

Moderator: Dr. ChuChu Wu (吳珠菊), Georgia Southwestern State University


“TMEM16F Scramblase Regulates Angiogenesis via Endothelial Intracellular Signaling”
Ke Shan (單可), Duke University

“Racial Disparity of Receiving Nonpharmacological Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain among Medicare Beneficiaries with Opioid Tapering” 
Liang-Yuan Lin (林良芫), University of Mississippi

“How do Indonesian Women Experience Guilt and Stress as Transnational Caregivers Living in Taiwan.”
Suei DiPaola (丘引), Gerontology Institute of Georgia State University

Dinner, plaques presentation ceremony, drawing for door prizes by Dr. Chung-Yi Niou (牛中怡), and annual CAPASUS meeting.
5 pm

August 18, 2024, Sunday

Panel V. “Taiwan’s Economic and Scientific Development Seen from the Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo Materials at the Hoover Archives.
8:30-9:45 am

Moderator: Dr. Catherine Chang (張嘉蘭), Winthrop University, SC

Speaker: Dr. Hsiao-ting Lin (林孝庭), Hoover Institution, Stanford University, CA

Panel VI. Roundtable. “Taiwan’s 2024 Elections: Taiwan’s Science and Technological Development, Cross-Strait Policy, and Strategic Approach to the US.”
10-11:30 am

Moderator: Dr. Dalton Lin (林坤達), Georgia Tech, GA


Dr. John Fuh-sheng Hsieh (謝復生), University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

Dr. Chien-kai Chen (陳建凱), Rhodes College, Memphis, TN

Dr. Charles K.S. Wu (吳冠昇), University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL

2023 CAPASUS International Conference Concluded Successfully! 美國東南區中華學人協會第四十六屆國際學術研討會順利、圓滿、成功舉辦!

Dear CAPASUS members and friends,

The 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine, Technologies for Pandemic Prevention, and Healthy Aging was successfully held at the Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta on September 15-17, 2023. This conference was organized by the Chinese American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States (CAPASUS) and the Science and Technology Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Washington, D.C. I would like to thank you for your generosity and long-term support, whether through participation, cash donations or advertisement for CAPASUS and CAPASUS Foundation.

For the Conference Proceedings, please click the following link.

Regarding the conference’s news reported by the World Journal (世界新聞網) and
Epoch Times (大紀元), please click the following links.

1. World Journal (世界新聞網) Report on Conference (I):

2. Epoch Times (大紀元) Report on Conference (II):

3. World Journal (世界新聞網) Report on Conference (III):

If you have interest in seeing the photos from the conference, please click the following link.

If you haven’t had a chance to look into the Siyuan Fall 2023(CAPASUS Journal), please click the following link.

Finally, congratulations to the 2023 CAPASUS Award recipients. Also, I would like to extend my thanks to my wonderful 2022-2023 team. I sincerely thank you for your service and dedication. Once again, I thank our members and
CAPASUS friends for your past support, and I hope you will continue to support us for many years to come.

Below are the lists of 2022-2023 CAPASUS staff, CAPASUS Award awardees, and 2022-2023 Sponsors.


Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D., RN
2022-2023 CAPASUS President

List of 2022-2023 CAPASUS Staff


2023 CAPASUS Awards
Congratulations to the following Awardees:
1. Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Raymond Ho, M.D. (何智達醫師)

2. 2023 Outstanding Leadership Award: Dr. Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D., RN

3. 2016 Outstanding Leadership Award: Dr. Wan-Li Ho, Ph.D. (何婉麗博⼠)

4. 2017 Outstanding Leadership Award: Dr. Hsi-Ling Huang, Ph.D. (黃喜玲博士)

5. 2018 Outstanding Leadership Award: Dr. Chu Chu Wu, Ph.D. (吳珠菊博⼠)

6. Outstanding Contribution Award: Dr. David C. Cheng, Ph.D. (鄭治明博⼠)

7. Outstanding Contribution Award: Dr. Luke S. C., Chang, M.D. (張世杰醫師)

8. Outstanding Contribution Award: Dr. Yi-Tsu Cheng, DDS (程懿慈醫師)

9. CAPASUS Foundation Outstanding Leadership Award:

Dr. Willie Chen, M.D. (陳英偉醫師)

10. Early Career Scholar “Excellent Presentation Award” and CAPASUS
Foundation Scholarship:

Yen Chen (陳彥慈), University of Michigan

Po-Kai Hsu (許柏凱), Georgia Institute of Technology

Thomas Hsiao (蕭緯佑), Emory University

Wei-Yi Lee (李維儀), University of Georgia

Chu Yun Chen (陳楚云), Georgia State University

2022-2023 Sponsors

1. 成功申請、榮獲2023國際學術研討會經費補助: 恭喜陳美蘭會長 (Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D., RN) 成功申請、榮獲中華民國國科會經費補助 $14400 USD, 駐亞特蘭大台北經濟文化辦事處經費補助 $1000 USD, & 中華民國僑務委員會駐亞特蘭大華僑文教中心經費補助 $500 USD, 以順利、圓滿、成功舉辦2023國際學術研討會 (2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine, Technologies for Pandemic Prevention, and Healthy Aging) !

2. 感謝 Fund Raising Team Members:
陳美蘭會長 (Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D., RN), 何智達醫師 (Raymond Ho, M.D.), & 陳英偉醫師 (Willie Chen, M.D.) 積極多方募款!




何智達 醫師 Raymond Ho, M.D.
鄭治明 博⼠ David C. Cheng, Ph.D. (CAPASUS Foundation)

程懿慈 醫師 Estelle Yi-Tsu Cheng, DDS
陳英偉 醫師 Willie Chen, M.D.
張守⽟ 博⼠ Shoou-Yuh Chang, Ph.D.
蔡裕棟 博⼠ Y.T. Tsai, Ph.D., Regitar USA
張世杰 醫師 Luke S. C. Chang, M.D.
張源洲 博⼠ Joe Chang, Ph.D., Eastern Data Inc.
郭明實 醫師 Max Kuo, M.D. (CAPASUS Foundation)
不具名贊助者 Anonymous
美東南⽟⼭科技協會 Monte Jade Science Technology Association (Southeastern U.S.)

張崧軒 僑務委員 Sung H. Chang
黃耀⽂ 博⼠ Yaowen Huang, Ph.D.
何婉麗 博⼠ Wan-Li Ho, Ph.D.
魏鳳珠 博⼠ Alice Stanley, Ph.D.

陸復泰 僑務委員 Futai Lu
范琪君 僑務委員 Ellen Chiang
Nick Yang台灣人高爾夫球快樂營榮譽會長
蔡山慶 博⼠ Shan-Ching Tsai, Ph.D.
杜立崑 醫師 Oliver Tu, M.D.
吳珠菊 博⼠ Chu Chu Wu, Ph.D.
王世良 博⼠ Shih Liang Wang, Ph.D.
陳開堯 博⼠、康薇 博⼠ KJ, Ph.D. & Josephine Tan, Ph.D.
吳樾 董事長 Alex Wu, President, Global Engineering Co.
蘇碧珠女士Judy Shih, Prompt Medical Care
台灣人高爾夫球快樂營 Taiwan Golf Association (TGA)


網上報名 / Online Registration


議程 (Agenda): September 15-17, 2023


Friday, September 15, 2023



2:30 – 4:30 pm

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC) Museum Tour

(Host: Seh-Ching Lin, Ph.D.,
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Saturday, September 16, 2023



8:00 – 8:30 am


8:30 – 9:00 am

Opening Ceremony

(Moderator: Dr. Wei-Chin Lee)


Dr. Mei-Lan Chen
, President, CAPASUS

Director Shirley Yang
, Science and Technology Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.S.

Director General , Elliot Wang,
TECO Atlanta



Speaker and Presentation Title

9:00 – 9:30 am

Keynote Speech

(Moderator: Dr. Wun-Ju Shieh)


Dr. Jen-Hsiang Chuang
(Director General, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control)

“Taiwan’s Experience in Pandemic Prevention and Control”


(30 min)

9:30 – 10:20 am


10:20 – 10:30am (Q&A)

Technologies for Pandemic Prevention and Control


(Moderator: Dr. Jeani Chang)


Dr. L. Clifford McDonald
 (Associate Director for Science, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)


    “Human Solutions Aided by Incremental Technologic Advancement: Infection Control of COVID-19 in Hospitals and Nursing Homes”


(25 min; 9:30- 9:55 am)


Dr. Wun-Ju Shieh
(Former Deputy Branch Chief, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

    “The Important Role of Biotechnology in

Epidemic Control and Prevention”


(25 min; 9:55- 10:20 am)

10:30 -10:40am

Coffee Break


10:40 –11:55am

Artificial Intelligence and Healthy Aging (I)




(Moderator: Dr. Wei-Chin Lee)


Dr. Chih-Ching Matthew Hsu

(Flushing Hospital, New York; Founding and Senior Pastor, Union Bible Church, New York)

    “Artificial Intelligence, Spirituality, and Healthy Aging: Lesson Learned from King Solomon”


(25 min; 10:40 – 11:05 am)


Dr. Hsin-Chien Lee
(Vice Dean, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan )

“The Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Sleep Medicine”


(25 min; 11:05 – 11:30am)



Dr. Shao-Yun Hsu
(Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou branch, Taiwan; Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)


Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Plastic Surgery: Advancing Patient Care and



(25 min; 11:30 – 11:55 am)

12:00 – 1:10pm


Host: Dr. Chu Chu Wu

1:15 – 1:40pm



1:40 – 1:50 pm


Artificial Intelligence and  Healthy Aging  (II)

(Moderator: Dr. Wei-Chin Lee)


Dr. James Tsai
 (Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

“Using Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, and Advanced Technologies to Enhance Physical Activity in Older Adults”


(25 min; 1:15 – 1:40 pm)

1:50 – 3:05pm



3:05- 3:15pm (Q&A)

Precision Medicine and Healthy Aging

(Moderator: Dr. Wao-Wen Huang)


Dr. Jung-Lung Hsu
(New Taipei Municipal TuCheng Hospital; Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)

“Toward Precision Medicine in Alzheimer’s Disease”

(25 min; 1:50 – 2:15 pm)


Dr. Meng-Chang Hsiao
(Associate Medical Director, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA)

“Precision Medicine: Revolutionizing Healthcare through Personalized Approaches and Genetic Insights”

(25 min; 2:15 – 2:40 pm)


Dr. Christopher Celano
(Associate Director, Massachusetts General Hospital; Harvard Medical School, USA)

“Cardiac Psychiatry: Promoting Mental and Physical Health in Cardiovascular Disease”


(25 min; 2:40 – 3:05 pm)

3:15 -3:25pm

Coffee Break

3:25-4:40 pm



4:40 – 5:00pm Awards Presentation

Early Career Scholar

and Awards

Early Career Scholar

Presentations (Moderator: Dr. James Tsai)

Awards Presentation
(Host: Dr. Alice Stanley , Dr.
Raymond Ho, Dr. Willie Chen, Dr. David Cheng


Yen Chen
 (Ph.D., University of Michigan)

“Compensatory Cognitive Strategy Use in People with Systemic Sclerosis”

(12 min)


Po-Kai Hsu
(Ph.D. Student, Georgia Institute of Technology)                

3D NAND-Based In-Memory Hyperdimensional Computing System for Genome Sequencing Applications”

 (12 min)


Thomas Hsiao
(Ph.D. Candidate, Emory University)

“Association between spontaneous abortion and ambient air pollution using birth registry data in Georgia, USA: a matched case-control study, 2005-2014”

(12 min)


Wei-Yi Lee
 (Ph.D. Candidate, University of Georgia )

“Heritage Language Learning for Second- and Third-Generation Taiwanese Americans Promoting Linguistic and Ethnic Equality”

(12 min)


Chu Yun Chen
 (Georgia State University)

“The Health Benefits of Ba Duan Jin Exercise in Older Adults”

(12 min)

6:30 – 9:00pm


Host: Po-Kai Hsu and Thomas Hsiao

Sunday, September 17, 2023






Opening Remarks

Dr. Mei-Lan Chen
, President, CAPASUS

Director Shirley Yang
, Science and Technology Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.



Speaker and Presentation Title


Panel Discussion:

Holistic Care for Healthy Aging

(Moderator: Dr. Chung-Yi Niou)

Dr . Taian Wang
(Spine Center Atlanta, GA)


Dr. Li-Kun (Oliver) Tu
Northside Hospital, GA)


Dr. Chih-Ching Matthew Hsu

Flushing Hospital, New York; Founding and Senior Pastor, Union Bible Church, New York


Dr. Jung-Lung Hsu
(Director, New Taipei Municipal TuCheng Hospital; Professor, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)


Dr. Hsin-Chien Lee
(Vice Dean, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)


Dr. Mei-Lan Chen
(Assistant Professor, Georgia State University)


Coffee Break


11:00 – 12:00 pm

Panel Discussion:


Early Career Scholar Mentorship Session:

Career Development

(Moderators: Jeffrey Lin, Eric Lin, and

Andrew Hsu)


Dr. Wun-Ju Shieh
(Former Deputy Branch Chief, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)


Dr. James Tsai
 (Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)


Dr. Chin-Tser Huang
 (Professor, University of South Carolina, USA)


Dr. Chu Chu Wu
(Professor, Georgia

Southwestern State University)

12:00 – 12:20pm

Closing and Farewell


Dr. Mei-Lan Chen
, President, CAPASUS

Director Shirley Yang
, Science and Technology Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.S.

2023 CAPASUS Awards
Congratulations to the following Awardees:
1. Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Raymond Ho, M.D. (何智達醫師)

2. 2023 Outstanding Leadership Award: Dr. Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D., RN

3. 2016 Outstanding Leadership Award: Dr. Wan-Li Ho, Ph.D. (何婉麗博⼠)

4. 2017 Outstanding Leadership Award: Dr. Hsi-Ling Huang, Ph.D. (黃喜玲博士)

5. 2018 Outstanding Leadership Award: Dr. Chu Chu Wu, Ph.D. (吳珠菊博⼠)

6. Outstanding Contribution Award: Dr. David C. Cheng, Ph.D. (鄭治明博⼠)

7. Outstanding Contribution Award: Dr. Luke S. C., Chang, M.D. (張世杰醫師)

8. Outstanding Contribution Award: Dr. Yi-Tsu Cheng, DDS (程懿慈醫師)

9. CAPASUS Foundation Outstanding Leadership Award:

Dr. Willie Chen, M.D. (陳英偉醫師)

10. Early Career Scholar “Excellent Presentation Award” and CAPASUS
Foundation Scholarship:

Yen Chen (陳彥慈), University of Michigan

Po-Kai Hsu (許柏凱), Georgia Institute of Technology

Thomas Hsiao (蕭緯佑), Emory University

Wei-Yi Lee (李維儀), University of Georgia

Chu Yun Chen (陳楚云), Georgia State University

2022-2023 Sponsors

1. 成功申請、榮獲2023國際學術研討會經費補助: 恭喜陳美蘭會長 (Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D., RN) 成功申請、榮獲中華民國國科會經費補助 $14400 USD, 駐亞特蘭大台北經濟文化辦事處經費補助 $1000 USD, & 中華民國僑務委員會駐亞特蘭大華僑文教中心經費補助 $500 USD, 以順利、圓滿、成功舉辦2023國際學術研討會 (2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine, Technologies for Pandemic Prevention, and Healthy Aging) !

2. 感謝 Fund Raising Team Members:
陳美蘭會長 (Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D., RN), 何智達醫師 (Raymond Ho, M.D.), & 陳英偉醫師 (Willie Chen, M.D.) 積極多方募款!




何智達 醫師 Raymond Ho, M.D.
鄭治明 博⼠ David C. Cheng, Ph.D. (CAPASUS Foundation)

程懿慈 醫師 Estelle Yi-Tsu Cheng, DDS
陳英偉 醫師 Willie Chen, M.D.
張守⽟ 博⼠ Shoou-Yuh Chang, Ph.D.
蔡裕棟 博⼠ Y.T. Tsai, Ph.D., Regitar USA
張世杰 醫師 Luke S. C. Chang, M.D.
張源洲 博⼠ Joe Chang, Ph.D., Eastern Data Inc.
郭明實 醫師 Max Kuo, M.D. (CAPASUS Foundation)
不具名贊助者 Anonymous
美東南⽟⼭科技協會 Monte Jade Science Technology Association (Southeastern U.S.)

張崧軒 僑務委員 Sung H. Chang
黃耀⽂ 博⼠ Yaowen Huang, Ph.D.
何婉麗 博⼠ Wan-Li Ho, Ph.D.
魏鳳珠 博⼠ Alice Stanley, Ph.D.

陸復泰 僑務委員 Futai Lu
范琪君 僑務委員 Ellen Chiang
Nick Yang台灣人高爾夫球快樂營榮譽會長
蔡山慶 博⼠ Shan-Ching Tsai, Ph.D.
杜立崑 醫師 Oliver Tu, M.D.
吳珠菊 博⼠ Chu Chu Wu, Ph.D.
王世良 博⼠ Shih Liang Wang, Ph.D.
陳開堯 博⼠、康薇 博⼠ KJ, Ph.D. & Josephine Tan, Ph.D.
吳樾 董事長 Alex Wu, President, Global Engineering Co.
蘇碧珠女士Judy Shih, Prompt Medical Care
台灣人高爾夫球快樂營 Taiwan Golf Association (TGA)

11/19/2022 CAPASUS 線上公益演講: “Job Opportunities in Silicon Valley in the US” & “Preparing for Job and Internship Applications”

下載演講活動海報 / Download PDF Flyer

11/19/2022 CAPASUS 線上公益演講

Rising Stars Membership Program Webinar


Academic and Professional Career Development in the US



1. Job Opportunities in Silicon Valley in the US
2. Preparing for Job Applications
3. Applying for Internships


1. 余金榜博士/總會長
North America Taiwanese Engineering & Science Association Headquarters

2. 黃建中博士/教授
Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research, George Mason University

3. 洪瑞澤先生
School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology

活動時間 Date/Time: 11月19日, 星期六

美東時間 November 19 (Saturday) 10:00 AM – 11:50 AM (ET)
美⻄時間 November 19 (Saturday) 7:00 AM – 8:50 AM (PT)

活動地點 Place: Webinar via Webex (全程英文演講, 無錄影)


Join from the meeting link:


Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2633 882 8666
Meeting password: Mu3vg6cCYP9 (68384622 from phones)

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-650-479-3208,,26338828666#68384622# United States Toll
Some mobile devices may ask attendees to enter a numeric password (68384622).

Join by phone
+1-650-479-3208 United States Toll

主辦單位:美國東南區中華學人協會 (CAPASUS)
協辦單位:喬治亞州立大學台灣同學會 (GSUTSA)
                   喬治亞理工學院台灣學生會 (TSA@GT)

10/22/2022 CAPASUS 線上公益演講: “失智症的預防、診斷與治療” & “優質睡眠與健康”

下載演講活動海報 / Download PDF Flyer

10/22/2022 CAPASUS 線上公益演講

Older Asian Americans Healthy Aging Webinar


International Forum on Healthy Aging


主題: (1) 失智症的預防、診斷與治療; (2) 優質睡眠與健康


1. 徐榮隆教授/主任醫師

2. 李信謙教授/主任醫師

活動時間 Date/Time: 10月22日, 星期六

美東時間 October 22 (Saturday) 10:00 AM – 11:50 AM (ET)
美⻄時間 October 22 (Saturday) 7:00 AM – 8:50 AM (PT)
台北時間 October 22 (Saturday) 10:00 PM – 11:50 PM (Time in Taiwan)

活動地點 Place: Webinar via Webex (全程中⽂演講, 無錄影)


當日演講活動連結網址 Join from the meeting link


Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2631 480 1186
Meeting password: gCiJpPa9B22 (42457729 from phones)

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-650-479-3208,,26314801186#42457729# United States Toll
Some mobile devices may ask attendees to enter a numeric password (42457729).

Join by phone
+1-650-479-3208 United States Toll

主辦單位:美國東南區中華學人協會 (CAPASUS)
協辦單位:世界華人工商婦女企管協會亞特蘭大分會 (GFCBW-Atlanta)


感謝大家踴躍參加 9 月 24 日的 CAPASUS 線上公益演講活動!

by Mei-Lan Chen | Oct 9, 2022 | 2022, News


非常感謝大家參加 9 月 24 日的 CAPASUS 線上公益演講活動,因著您們的支持與參與,使我們的活動更為圓滿、成功!9 月 24 日的線上公益演講活動參加的人數共 125人,參加非常踴躍!

首先,我要特別感謝上帝的恩典與祝福! 使我有能力和機會能夠貢獻所學,服務社會。謝謝曾櫻枝教授共襄盛舉,與我一起主講此次的「健康高齡化國際論壇」線上公益演講。 感謝所有幕前、幕後的 CAPASUS 活動組幹部們: 魏鳳珠,紀佳榮,許柏凱,陳楚云, 時繼驤,牛中怡。因為有你們的付出、參與、與幫助,當日的線上演講活動才能順利、圓滿、成功!謝謝你們!辛苦了!此外,感謝世華亞特蘭大分會協辦此次的線上公益演講活動!


「我期待已久的最佳 program。」 (何智達醫師)


「今天這個活動很棒,題材非常實用, 貼切我們的生活,主持人魏鳳珠博士主持台風穩健,口齒清晰。陳美蘭博士的講題深入淺出,我 88 歲老媽媽都聽得懂,也可以應證,真是太好了!」(甘斯維爾台灣商會陳家琪會長)

「整個 IT 後台 Webex 控制也非常棒,Host & cohost 搭配非常好!」(甘斯維爾台灣商會陳家琪會長)




「祝賀陳會長舉辦活動大獲成功! 」(楊乃莊博士)



「感謝 神!很棒的演講!」(柯瑞芬女士)

「謝謝美蘭的分享,受益良多!實在非常感謝你們昨天舉辦的論壇,願 神祝福你們手上的工作,讓更多的人也得到祝福!」(陳雅玫女士)


「美蘭會長,今天我有特地上Webex 從頭到尾聆聽了演講,成功圓滿!妳的主講很生動,尤其是肌少症和如何運動的部分。」(康薇博士)


「恭喜。presentations 內容非常精彩,非常成功的webinar。」(蔡宜長博士)




「謝謝曾教授,國際論壇,我受益良多。」(David Hong)



再次萬分感謝大家的支持與參與!期待10 月 22 日 Webex 線上再相聚!


Mei-Lan Chen (陳美蘭), PhD, RN

President of CAPASUS 2022-2023

2022-2023 美國東南區中華學人協會會長

下載演講活動照片 / Download Webinar Photos

9/24/2022 CAPASUS 線上公益演講 – 預防老年人失智、失能、跌倒:肌力運動與步態訓練的效益

下載演講活動海報 / Download PDF Flyer

9/24/2022 CAPASUS Older Asian Americans

Healthy Aging Webinar 線上公益演講


International Forum on Healthy Aging


主題 – 預防老年人失智、失能、跌倒:肌力運動與步態訓練的效益
Effects of Resistance Exercise and Gait Training on Cognitive Function, Fall Prevention, and Physical Performance in Older Adults

演講者 Speakers:

1. 陳美蘭博士/教授 Mei-Lan Chen, PhD, RN
喬治亞州立大學護理學系 School of Nursing, Georgia State University, USA

2. 曾櫻枝教授/督導長 Ing-Jy Tseng, PhD candidate, RN
臺北醫學大學高齡健康暨長期照護學系 School of Gerontology and Long-Term Care, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
臺北市立萬芳醫院 Taipei Municipal Wanfang Hospital, Taiwan

活動時間 Date/Time: 9月24日, 星期六

美東時間 September 24 (Saturday) 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (ET)
美⻄時間 September 24 (Saturday) 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM (PT)
台北時間 September 24 (Saturday) 10:00 PM – 11:30 PM (Time in Taiwan)

活動地點 Place: Webinar via Webex (全程中⽂演講, 無錄影)


當日演講活動連結網址 Join from the meeting link


Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2632 974 7263
Meeting password: FipF3qPNw42 (34733776 from phones)

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-650-479-3208,,26329747263#34733776# United States Toll
Some mobile devices may ask attendees to enter a numeric password (34733776).

Join by phone
+1-650-479-3208 United States Toll

主辦單位:美國東南區中華學人協會 (CAPASUS)
協辦單位:世界華人工商婦女企管協會亞特蘭大分會 (GFCBW-Atlanta)


9/10/2022 中秋佳節快樂! 闔家平安健康!

by Mei-Lan Chen | Sep 10, 2022 | 2022, News


中秋佳節週末快樂! 非常感謝美東南區中華學人協會 (CAPASUS) 會員們對我的支持,我很榮幸能擔任 CAPASUS 2022-2023 會長。首先,我要特別感謝張嘉蘭前會長。在張嘉蘭前會長的卓越領導下, 學人協會非常成功圓滿地舉辦了許多的活動以及第四十五屆年會。在疫情的壓力與考驗下,張會長更是不畏艱難地為協會開啟了一個新頁。我們都非常感謝張嘉蘭前會長的投入與付出!

我們目前雖然尙未完成所有移交手續,但是我們已經於 8月27日星期六順利舉行第一次的 CAPASUS 2022-2023 線上幹部會議 (via WebEx) 。在過去所有的前會長們所奠定的基礎上,我們繼續向前邁進、努力。非常感謝所有現任幹部們的熱心參與、付出與努力!懇請所有會員們繼續支持、愛護、鼓勵我們的 CAPASUS 2022-2023 幹部團隊!

今年 9月 – 11 月,我們將舉辦 3 場的線上公益演講活動 (兩場的 International Forum on Healthy Aging 健康高齡化國際論壇,以及一埸的 Rising Stars Membership Program 青年學子之學術及專業發展專題講座)。透過線上公益演講活動,加強協會會員的聯繫,並透過與不同社團合作,對更多大眾開放,以服務廣大僑界、亞裔社區,與青年學人,並促進美台學術、專業及研究之交流。

9 月 24日,星期六,10:00 AM -11:30 AM (美東時間) 的第一場 CAPASUS 線上公益演講活動將由我們 CAPASUS 所主辦,世華亞特蘭大分會協辦。不須事先報名,全程中文演講,無錄影。 詳情請參看 CAPASUS 網站:www.CAPASUS.org

敬邀大家參加!並敬祝大家中秋佳節快樂! 闔家平安健康!

2022-2023 美東南區中華學人協會會長

2022 Annual Conference Concluded Successfully! 學人協會之第四十五屆年會圓滿落幕!

Dear CAPASUS members and friends, 

“From Smart Power to Smart Nations: Digital Technology and Humanities for Transnational Asian Americans”—the 45th Annual Conference of the Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States (CAPASUS)—was held on July 30th and July 31st, 2022 at the Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta in Duluth, Georgia.  We truly appreciate for your support and sponsorship.

If you have interest in seeing the photos from the conference, please click the following link.


If you haven’t had a chance to look into our Siyuan CAPASUS journal, please click the following link to see the beautiful work by many members and our editors Mrs. Wan-Li Ho and Ms. Yue Qiong.


Please continue supporting CAPASUS and our new president, Dr. Mei-Lan Chen.  Under her leadership, CAPASUS will definitely continue its growth and offer service to our community.


Catherine Chang



2022 年7月30-31日,美東南區中華學人協會之第四十五屆年會,<從巧實力到智慧國家: 跨國亞裔社群與數位科技及人文>已經在Duluth的Sonesta Gwinnett Place舉辦。非常感謝您的支持與贊助。






張嘉蘭 敬上


2021-2022 Sponsors



美東南玉山科技協會Monte Jade Science Technology Association (Southeastern U.S.)


何智達博士 Raymond Ho, M.D.
王德博士 Sue-Ling Wang, Ph.D., Color Imaging, Inc.


張嘉蘭博士 Catherine Chang, Ph.D.
張源洲博士 Joe Chang, Ph.D., Eastern Data Inc.
張守玉博士 Shoou-Yuh Chang, Ph.D.
陳英偉醫師 Willie Chen, M.D.
程懿慈醫師 Estelle Yi-Tsu Cheng, DDS
何婉麗博士Wan-Li Ho, Ph.D.
郭榮太董事長Jack Kuo, M.D.
劉北博士 James Liu, Ph.D.
劉孟周邱禕之夫婦 Menchou Liu & Esther Chiu
蔡裕棟博士 Y. T. Tsai, Ph.D. – Regitar USA


張世杰醫師 Luke S. C. Chang, M.D.
趙濟民董事長 Jimmy Chimin Chao, President, Chao and Associate, Inc.
鍾斌 博士 Bin Chung, Ph.D.
蔡宜長博士 James Tsai, Ph.D.
杜立崑醫師 Oliver Tu, M.D.


張崧軒僑務委員Sung H. Chang
范琪君僑務委員Ellen Chiang
黃耀文博士 Yaowen Huang, Ph.D.
陸復泰僑務委員 Futai Lu
牛中怡醫師 Chung-Yi Niou, M.D.
衛高榮 John Wei, M.S.
吳樾 董事長Alex Wu, President, Global Engineering Co.


蘇碧珠女士Judy Shih / 石羽飛醫師診所Prompt Medical Care


Kresge Foundation
鄭治明博士 David C. Cheng, Ph.D.
紀有容女士Yeou-rong Jih
郭明實醫師 Max Kuo, M.D.
蘇碧珠女士Judy Shih / 石羽飛醫師診所Prompt Medical Care
廖廣信博士 Goang-Shin Liao, Ph.D.

2022 CAPASUS Annual Conference is This Saturday (7/30) and Sunday (7/31)!

Dear CAPASUS members and friends,

The 45th Annual Conference of the Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States (CAPASUS) will be held on July 30th and July 31st, 2022 at the Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta (1775 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth, GA 30096) in Duluth, Georgia.  The title of this 2022 annual conference is “From Smart Power to Smart Nations: Digital Technology and Humanities for Transnational Asian Americans.”  The contents of this 2022 conference include smart cities, smart supply chain, digital forensics, global and East Asian histories through archival research, digital museums, and Asian Americans’ civic engagement and career development.

This conference will be conducted in a hybrid format. If you cannot join us in person, please scroll down and find our conference agenda on which you can find each talk/panel and its time and weblink below, so you can join us virtually.  Each talk/panel is around 40-60 minutes.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference.


Catherine Chang


2022 年7月30-31日,美東南區中華學人協會之第四十五屆年會將在Duluth的Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta (1775 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth, GA 30096) 舉辦。2022年會的會議主題是<從巧實力到智慧國家:跨國亞裔社群與數位科技及人文>,內容主題除涵蓋智慧城市、供應鏈、數位取證與更多最新智能科技發展外,還有立基於多樣性的檔案與原始材料以及運用不同研究方法的歷史解讀,數位檔案館與數位博物館的發展,與亞裔族群的個人職涯發展與社區參與經驗分享。


時間:2022, 730日到731

地點:Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta (Independence Ballroom)

We appreciate and graciously accept your generous donations. 我們更由衷的感謝您大方的贊助!

.         .
If paying by check, please make the check payable to CAPASUS, and send it to KJ Liao, 1005 Brockton Close, Marietta, GA 30068


Saturday, July 30, 2022

(Sonesta Independence Ballroom)

Time Activity
8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30-9:00 Opening Ceremony
Time Track Speaker and Presentation Title
9:00-10:10 Opening Address:

Post-WWII Political History and Digital Archives in Taiwan


(Moderator: Catherine Chang, Ph.D.)

Yi-Shen Chen, Ph.D. 陳儀深 (President, Academia Historica), “From a Province to a Sovereign State: Taiwan’s Political Development as Reflected in the Three Crucial Years, 1951, 1971 and 1991從一省到一國195119711991三個關鍵年代看台灣政治發展

10:10-10:50 The Age of Digital Museums (9:55 AM connected to蔡炯民)
(Moderator: Catherine Chang, Ph.D.)Chiung-Min Tsai, Ph.D.蔡炯民 (Senior Executive Officer, National Palace Museum), “Reframing Museums: The National Palace Museum’s Digital Transformation博物館的重塑:故宮博物院的數位轉型
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-11:50 AI Technology, Digital Analytics and Smart Cities (Moderator: Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D.)
(virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)James Tsai, Ph.D. 蔡宜長 (Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology), “Smart Cities: Safer Roadways for Meeting MUTCD Curve Sign Compliance, Using Low-Cost Mobile Devices, Machine Learning, and Crowdsourcing 智慧城市:發展符合標準交通控制設施守則、低成本、電腦自動學習、以及群眾分流的更安全的道路
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break (Sonesta Independence Ballroom)


AI Technology, Smart Supply Chains and Digital Forensics (Moderator: Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D.)
(virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)Edward Huang, Ph.D. 黃建中 (Associate Professor, George Mason University), “Smart Supply Chains Using Digital Twin-Based Learning使用數位雙重基礎學習的智慧供應鏈
1:40-2:20 (virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)

Chin-Tser Huang, Ph.D.黃金澤 (Professor, University of South Carolina), “Catch You, I Can: The Era of Digital Forensics神鬼鬥智:數位鑑識學的年代

2:20-3:20 Panel Discussion I: “Asian American Civic Engagement and Advocacy in the Contemporary Southeast U.S.” (Moderator: Kuo-Jen Liao, Ph.D.)
(virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)Jimmy Chao 趙濟民 (CEO, Chao and Associates Inc.; Member of the South Carolina Commission for Minority Affairs, AAPI Division)Seulghee Lee, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina; Member of the South Carolina Commission for Minority Affairs, AAPI Division)
3:20-3:45 Coffee Break
3:45-4:45 Young Scholar Excellent Presentation Award (Moderator: James Tsai, Ph.D.)
(virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)Yung-An Hsieh謝詠安 (Ph.D. Student, Georgia Institute of Technology) “Dense Attention U-Net for Pavement Crack Segmentation 基於深度學習的自動化裂縫偵測”Po-Kai Hsu 許柏凱 (Ph.D. Student, Georgia Institute of Technology) “Energy-Efficient SARS-CoV-2 Genome Sequencing Engine 針對嚴重急性呼吸症候群冠狀病毒2型之高能效基因定序引擎”Yun-Ruei Ku 古耘睿 (Ph.D. Student, University of Alabama) “Timing Matters: Event-Related Potentials during Collocational Processing in English Monolinguals and Mandarin-English Bilinguals搭配詞和語境效應:來自腦電波的信息”Nealson Li 李孟謙 (Ph.D. Student, Georgia Institute of Technology) “Fully Integrated Neuromorphic Computing System for Gaze Estimation應用於視線估計之全整合類神經運算系統”Tzuhan Wang 王子函 (Ph.D. Student, Georgia Institute of Technology) “Breaking kT/C Limits in Analog to Digital-Integrated Circuit Design with Fully Digital Module Assisted Mix-Signal Converter跨越熱雜訊瓶頸:全數位輔助混和信號積體電路
4:45-5:45 CAPASUS Member Meeting Host: Catherine Chang, CAPASUS President
7:00-9:00 Banquet Host: Chu Chu Wu, Ph.D.

(Sonesta Independence Ballroom)

Sunday, July 31, 2022

(Sonesta Independence Ballroom)

Time Activity
8:00-8:30 Registration
Time Track Speaker/Presentation Title
8:30-9:20 ; Globalization and East Asian Histories (Moderator: Wei-Chin Lee, Ph.D.)
(Virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)Wei-Chung Cheng, Ph.D. 鄭維中 (Associate Research Fellow, Academia Sinica), “The Emergence of Tayouan Harbour in 1624: Converged Consequences of Two Remote Wars 1624年大員港的浮現:兩場遙遠戰爭的遺緒
9 :20-10 :10; (Virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)

Tien-Hao Jen, Ph.D. 任天豪 (Associate Professor, National Defense University), “The Cold-War Origin of the ‘Dispute’ of ‘Diaoyutai’ Islands釣魚臺「爭議」的冷戰淵源

10 :10-10 :50 (Virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)

Fu-Chung Li, Ph.D. 李福鐘 (Associate Professor, National Cheng-chi University), “Xi Jinping and the CCP’s 20th National Congress習近平與中國共產黨的廿大全國黨員大會

10:50-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:15 Panel Discussion: “How to Prepare Yourself for American Industries?”




(Moderator: Yen-Con Hung, Ph.D.)

(Virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)

Jimmy Chao趙濟民 (CEO, Chao and Associates, Inc.)

Bin Chung, Ph.D. 鍾斌 (Senior Vice President of Technology, Maxxis Technology Center)

Yu-tung Tsai, Ph.D. 蔡裕棟 (President and CEO, Regitar U.S.A., Inc.)

Sue-Ling Wang, Ph.D. 王德 (President, Color Imaging, Inc.)

12:15-12:30 Closing and Farewell


Celebrating Spring 2022! Join Us on a Special Community Tour….

Fighting for Equitable Community Development

Tour Leader and Speaker:  Ms. Yeou-Rong Jih

Time:   April 9, 2022 at 2:00-3:30 PM

Meeting Location:   Westside Park, Atlanta

(1660 Johnson Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, Entrance 2)


Introduction: In the past year, the largest park in the City of Atlanta has been built in a low-income, predominantly black community in Atlanta, and Microsoft has announced its intentions to build a tech campus right by the park. As an under-resourced and historically marginalized community, Grove Park residents are highly vulnerable to gentrification and displacement as a result of these major infrastructure investments. For this event, we will take a tour of Westside Park and the surrounding community to learn more about what equitable and fair community development will require, including affordable housing, better transportation, and economic development, so that the people who live here are able to stay here and benefit from the revitalization of their community.

Details: This will be a community walking tour. The tour will start at Westside Park, 1660 Johnson Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, Entrance 2. The main points on the walking route will be the Westside Park Overlook, Grove Park’s Park, and Yeou-Rong’s home in the community. The tour will be about 2 miles of walking in total. If people would just like to attend the Westside Portion of the tour, it will be about half a mile of walking.

Speaker Bio: Yeou-Rong Jih is a Program Officer at The Kresge Foundation, which helps cities combat and adapt to climate change while advancing racial and economic equity. Before joining Kresge, You served as the Director of Urban Initiatives at Greenlink Analytics and the Senior Manager of Resilience Policy and Programs for the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Resilience to help cities and community-based organizations build more equitable climate and energy solutions through strong city-community partnerships. She holds a Master of Science in Research Psychology from the University of Oxford and a Bachelor of Science from Emory University in Neuroscience.

10/30 Webinar Series No. 7! 精準醫療如何轉變醫療健康產業

How Precision Medicine Is Transforming Healthcare

主講人:蕭孟昌博士Dr. Meng-Chang Hsiao 

蕭孟昌在阿拉巴馬大學伯明翰分校取得遺傳學博士,擁有豐富的學術界和產業界遺傳疾病與癌症基因檢測的經驗,目前在哥倫比亞大學醫學中心擔任Clinical Laboratory Genetics and Genomics Fellow。全球面臨了人口高齡化,慢性病患者急速攀升,造成了醫療財政負擔日益加重。但隨著基因定序的成本大幅下降,以及大數據分析的技術逐步成熟,精準醫療整合了基因表現、生活型態及臨床研究等等面向制定了客製化的療程,正以鋪天蓋地的速度扭轉現有的醫療產業。主講人將和大家一同探討精準醫療如何落實在日常生活中的方方面面,以及實務上所面對的挑戰和未來的展望。

時間:十月三十日(週六)上午十點至十一點半 (October 30, 2021, Sat,  10:00-11:30 AM ET). 此活動將以中文進行,全程不錄影。

Zoom Link (請先註冊: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwucOusrTgpH9C-irEWtcqFARtkUoQhK0OK

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