The Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States (CAPASUS) is a non-profit organization, established on June 25, 1977, in Atlanta, Georgia. The objectives of CAPASUS are:
- to provide opportunities for all members to exchange their academic, cultural, social, professional, and business knowledge and experiences, and
- to make academic, cultural, social, professional, and business contributions to the societies of the United States and the Republic of China.
CAPASUS covers eight of the southeastern region States of the US, including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Our members range from current or retired academics, medical doctors, licensed professionals, and graduate students.
The annual conference held in the summer in Atlanta or other southeastern US cities is the principal event of CAPASUS. In the past 41 years, CAPASUS annual conference themes have centered on Science, Technology, Business, and Engineering. It has created opportunities to bring the Chinese American Communities in the Southeastern region to network and exchange knowledge in diverse fields. Presentations at the annual conferences are well received and highly regarded by the Chinese-American community professionals.
美國東南區中華學人協會 於一九七七年六月二十五日在亞特蘭大正式成立。青輔會主任委員潘振球先生,駐美大使館代辦趙仰雄博士,駐亞特蘭大總領事陳錫蕃先生皆蒞臨祝賀。本會以聯繫學人, 促使學術交流,以專業技術向中華民國政府提供建議,協助建設, 並從事國民外交,增進美國朝野對中華民國之認識為宗旨。
本協會的會員均為在大學院校或研究機構或醫界任職中(或已退休) 的學者和專業人士。會員們的專業領域涵蓋藝術人文,教育,工程,法律,醫學和科學等。本會會員居住於美國東南區八州 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee。每年夏季的年會是協會的主要活動之一。