今年是個非常具有挑戰性的一年, 由於COVID19 大流行造成封城和旅行限制而 隨後的影響經濟活動。 我們大多數業務都是在網上進行, 而無法親身參與。 我想在這裏報告我們這次的網路年度登記和投票活動的結果。
第一個問題是關於憲法修正案以 100% 的表決通過. 我們會請憲法和章程委員會更新CAPASUS章程與擬議的修正案,並上傳這個新的文件在我們的網站和內部檔存檔。
第二是關於我們的副會長候選人陳美蘭博士獲得全票的當選。 她的簡歷在這裡。
“陳美蘭博士出生, 成長於台灣新竹縣,畢業於台北醫學大學(護理學士及碩士) ,以及北卡羅來納大學格林斯堡分校(護理博士)。陳博士於攻讀碩,博士學位期間,致力於心臟復健研究,慢性病病人和老年人的運動訓練研究。美蘭曾任教於元培醫事科技大學,國立臺南護理專科學校,以及長榮大學,並曾在台南新樓基督教醫院擔任護理部督導長。陳博士目前任教於喬治亞州立大學護理系,擔任助理教授。她與先生鳴正育有二子。大兒子就讀於喬治亞理工學院,小兒子在約翰溪高中就讀。美蘭的硏究領域目前著重於老年人的肌力運動,生活型態訓練,預防失智以及延緩失能的研究。她很樂意也很期待能有機會為大家服務,分享及學習在生活與研究上的新知。”
第三個問題是關於參加在今年第四季關於5G和網路安全的虛擬研討會的興趣。 我們也有超過60%的多數有興趣的參加這樣的虛擬活動,。 我們的CAPASUS幹部們正計劃這次的虛擬會議,並收集有關如何最好地舉辦此次活動。 更多資訊將在我們確定時程表和講員後公布
最後我要感謝參加這一年度登記和調查投票的所有會員們。 雖然這樣的線業務方式仍然不近完美, 但考慮到由於COVID-19將來的變化, 我們還在努力適應當前,仍然服務我們的會員們。 希望在不久的將來,我們能夠親自見面或在網上見面。 隨著學校重新開學,大多數企業繼續適應新的規章制度, CAPASUS也將以更好地為您服務, 並祝願您和你的家人在這充滿挑戰的一年裡保持健康和幸福。
Dear CAPASUS member family,
It has been a challenging year with COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic impact due to the locked down and `travel restrictions. Most of the businesses were conducted online rather than in-person. I would like to report the results of our annual registration and voting event here. The first issue is about constitution amendment is approved by 100% of the vote:
We will ask the constitution and by-law committee to update the CAPASUS constitution with the proposed amendment and upload this new document on our website and internal document archive.
The second issue is about the election of our VP candidate Dr. Mei-Lan Chen. Her short bio is enclosed here.
CAPASUS Vice President Introduction
Dr. Mei-Lan Chen was born and raised in Hsinchu, Taiwan. She received her B.S. and M.S. in Nursing from Taipei Medical University with a focus on exercise prescription & exercise training in patients with chronic diseases, and cardiac rehabilitation. She was a nursing faculty at Yuanpei University of Medical Technology, National Tainan Junior College of Nursing and Chang Jung Christian University, and she was a supervisor in the Department of Nursing at Sinlau Christian Hospital in Taiwan. Dr. Chen earned her Ph.D. in Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 2016, with an emphasis in gerontological nursing and healthy aging. She is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at Georgia State University. Mei-Lan and her husband Ming-Cheng have two sons. The older one is currently studying at Georgia Tech and the second one at Johns Creek High School. Mei-Lan’s primary area of research focuses on developing effective physical activity programs and lifestyle interventions to promote healthy aging and reduce health disparities in older adults. She would be happy to serve, share and learn new things from all CAPASUS members.
The results received 100% of the vote so congratulation to Dr. Mei-Lan Chen will become the future Vice President of CAPASUS in year 2021.
The third issue is regarding to the interest of attending virtual seminar regarding to 5G and Network Security. We also have over 60% majority support in such a virtual event at 4th quarter of this year. Our CAPASUS staff members are planning to meet virtually and gather information on how to best hosting this event. More information will come as we finalize the schedule and the speakers.
Finally, I would like to thank all the members who participated in this annual registration and survey voting process. It may still be an imperfect way to conduct business online but considering the changes due to COVID-19, we are trying to adapt to the current reality and still serve the member as much as we can. Hope we will see each other either in person or online in the near future. As the school reopen and most businesses continue to adapt to the new rules and regulations, CAPASUS will also adapt to better serve you and wish you and your family stay healthy and well throughout this challenging year.
CAPASUS President 2020
Fred Chu