Types of Criminal Activities during the Covid-19 Pandemic
March 13 (Saturday) at 10:00 AM by Dr. Edward Huang 黃建中教授, George Mason University
Dr. Edward Huang’s research focuses on supply chain analysis, and he has participated in projects funded by NSF, AFOSR, IARPA, CICMHE, and POSTECH. Dr. Huang will focus on the operations of illicit actors in the cyberworld, in both the open web and dark web, and the supply chains and payment systems for online drug sales, counterfeit pharmaceuticals, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). These illicit supply chains of vital medical products pose an unprecedented risk to public health (and security).
黃建中教授任教於George Mason 大學,並與不同美國聯邦組織如國家科學基金會、空軍科學研究室等機構合作從事各類數據分析的研究。黃教授將在這個專題座談中,運用數據分析指出新冠疫情中假藥、劣質醫療產品與疫苗等如何充斥線上銷售市場,並危及公衛安全。