Dr. James Tsai 蔡宜長教授 (Georgia Tech) and Dr. Catherine Chang 張嘉蘭 (CAPASUS President)

Dr. Jeff Wu 吳建福博士 (美國國家工程院士、中研院院士與Georgia Tech的講座教授),
Dr. Steven Liang 梁越昇博士 (Georgia Tech講座教授、華新麗華前總經理與玉山科技協會1995年會長),
Ms. Nancy Tai 戴念華女士 (永奕科技前總經理與2018年玉山科技協會),
Dr. Ross Wang 王介博士 (美國國家能源部的Oak Ridge National Laboratory研究員),
Dr. Chih-Wei Chang 張致維博士 (Emory University住院醫學物理師)

September 11th (Saturday), 10:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M.

Cisco Webex

CAPASUS has rich, high-quality human resources, including many passionate leading academics and professionals since its establishment in 1977.  Its long-term goal is to build a sustainable experience-sharing platform and mentorship mechanism for the transfer of knowledge and experience among senior and junior scholars/professionals, helping them to achieve leadership in the United States.

This event is titled “Career Development in the US: Challenges and Opportunities,” and it will consist of two topics presented in sequence: 1) Science and Engineering Scholars/Professionals’ Career Development, and 2) Short-Term/Temporary Appointment Outside the Home Institution.  Panelists will share their professional experiences at different stages of their careers from junior to senior levels.  Afterward, the panelists will answer questions raised by the audience.
由美東南區中華學人協會的蔡宜長教授與我主持籌辦,希望協會能建立一個長期的經驗分享與導師諮詢機制mentorship mechanism,以協助更多在美的學者與專業人成功並成為社區領導者。此活動將包括兩大主題:1) 科學與工程方面的學者專家的職涯發展經驗分享,包括如何發現良好的工作機會,與針對單位所需發展面試技巧;2) 在本業或原單位外發掘其他短期職涯發展機會,以促進第一職涯發展。主講人包括各世代菁英:美國國家工程院士、中研院院士與Georgia Tech的講座教授吳建福博士;Georgia Tech講座教授、華新麗華前總經理與玉山科技協會1995年會長的梁越昇博士;永奕科技前總經理與2018年玉山科技協會的戴念華前會長;直屬美國國家能源部的Oak Ridge National Laboratory 的王介博士;以及Emory University住院醫學物理師的張致維博士,這些資深與新生代的學術與專業人士將分享經驗,並回答問題。許多在學界業界經驗豐富的前輩也會參與活動,必可激盪出更多精彩討論內容。

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Click to download Career Development Flyer