Aging in Community (AIC) Promising Programs & Lessons Learned

Aging-In-Community has been the preferred way to aging. What are some promising programs that promote aging-in-community? How do older adult participants perceive their ability to remaining independent at home and their neighborhood social cohesiveness? How might demographics such as age, marital status, & education play a role? This presentation will share surprising findings from three promising AIC programs in the United States. The audience will participate in live discussions on the strengths and challenges of current AIC models and programs and share adaptation ideas considering their own culture and values to improve quality aging-in-community, together.

隨著「長青社區中的銀髮經驗」的觀念正在發展,銀髮族可以自社區內部的支持體系獲取能量,積極獨立生活與持續保持與社區的互動。 此座談會將三個社區為例,談論美國長青社區計畫的優點與所面臨的挑戰,主講人侯書逸教授將回答聽眾問題。聽眾也可針對華人文化特質,提出美國長青社區模式可以如何應用在華人社區的想法。此活動以中文進行

演講者: 侯書逸教授 (美麗的前會長),Professor and Founding Director of the new School of Global Health Management and Informatics, College of Community Innovation & Education (CCIE) at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.

時間:九月二十五日(週六)上午十點至十一點半 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM