CAPASUS Constitution (Effective 2020)

The name of the organization shall be the Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States, also to be known by the acronym of CAPASUS. Its Chinese name shall be 美東南區中華學人協會, 簡稱中華學人協會.

The address of the organization shall be:
5825 Buford Highway Suite 100
Norcross GA 30071

  1. CAPASUS is a “not for profit” organization. All funds are derived from membership dues, donations, and contributions.
  2. The objectives of CAPASUS are:
    1. To provide opportunities for all members to exchange their academic, cultural, social, professional, and business knowledge and experiences.
    2. To make academic, cultural, social, professional, and business contributions to the societies of the United States and the Republic of China.
  3. An Annual Conference shall be held to promote the objectives and to conduct organizational business.
  4. The organization shall consist of the Advisory Council, the Nominating Committee, the Membership Committee, and the offices of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and State Representatives. All committee members shall be in active status.
  5. The Advisory Council shall consist of the current President, the Vice-President, and the three most recent Past Presidents. The President shall also serve as Chair of the Advisory Council. The Council shall provide an overview and be an advocacy group to the organization. It shall also be responsible for reviewing the Treasurer’s records within 30 days after the close of the Treasurer’s term of office and shall report to CAPASUS at the next meeting.
  6. The officers have the responsibility of performing all duties charged to them legally and faithfully. The duties of the officers include:
    1. The President shall be responsible for planning and organizing the Annual Conference and presiding over business meetings of CAPASUS. He/she shall
      devote his/her office wholly to achieving the objectives, including fundraising, of CAPASUS.
    2. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. He/she shall assist the President in fundraising and in carrying out social, cultural, and other activities.
    3. The Treasurer shall be in charge of, be responsible for, and be accountable for all funds, securities, receipts, and disbursements of the CAPASUS account, and shall collect and deposit dues in the name of CAPASUS. He/she shall prepare an annual financial report including a balance sheet and a financial statement of
      operation within 30 days after the conclusion of the Annual Conference. The newly appointed Treasurer shall submit a budget for the coming year to the
      Advisory Council for approval 6 months before the Annual Conference.
    4. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining all the minutes of the meetings and the preparation and execution of the voting procedures.
    5. The State Representative shall coordinate State CAPASUS activities and assist the President in carrying out the objectives of CAPASUS.
  7. The Nominating Committee is to nominate candidates for the upcoming CAPASUS Vice-President. The Executive Council shall serve as the Nominating Committee. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall be the third past president (counting backward, the most senior one).
  8. The Membership Committee shall consist of five (5) members. They shall be the fourth to the eighth past presidents. The eighth president (counting backward, the most senior one) shall serve as the chair of the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee is to review and approve membership applications. If anyone of the past presidents cannot serve in the committee, the President shall appoint a substitution from CAPASUS members.
  9. The membership shall consist of Chinese-Americans, who are or have been residents in the Southeastern United States, and have attained outstanding achievements or have made significant contributions in academic, cultural, social, professional, and/or business fields. All applicants must be recommended by two (2) current members and approved by the Membership Committee.
  10. Meetings of the Advisory Council may be called at any time by the President or by a majority (2/3) of the Council to discuss important CAPASUS affairs.
  11. Term of CAPASUS officers:
    1. The CAPASUS President shall serve one (1) year. At the end of one (1) year, The vice-President shall become the President.
    2. The Vice-President shall be elected at the Annual Conference by ballots. The Treasurer, Secretary, and Representative from each State shall be appointed by
      the President.
    3. All new officers shall assume their duties for approximate one (1) year effective immediately once they are appointed until the next Annual Conference is
    4. Any officer may be impeached and removed for wrongdoings. An impeachment procedure should be initiated by active members who submit a formal complaint in writing to the President or Advisory Council. Advisory Council shall hereby verify the validity and credibility of the accusation within 30 days after receiving the formal complaint. The Advisory Council shall then present the impeachment procedure to the CAPASUS members. The quorum for impeachment shall be one-half (1/2) of the active members of CAPASUS. The impeachment has to be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of members who participate in the impeachment procedure. The President shall appoint a replacement for the impeached and vacant office. Upon the removal of the President as the result of impeachment, the vice president shall assume the duty of the President.
  12. The CAPASUS Foundation, Inc. is a sister organization of CAPASUS. The relation between these two organizations can be described as follows:
    1. The CAPASUS President and Vice-President shall be automatic served as directors of CAPASUS Foundation during their term of the office.
    2. CAPASUS shall request financial support from CAPASUS Foundation for educational or scientific activities.
  13. CAPASUS shall include an annual student paper competition or presentation in its annual conference program. The detailed student paper competition or similar activities are stated in the by-laws of the CAPASUS Foundation.
  14. Amendment(s) to the Constitution shall be studied by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee established at the discretion of the President and with approval of the
    Advisory Council. Thereafter, all proposed amendment(s) must be presented at the following Annual Conference for approval by at least two-thirds (2/3) of members
    attending the business meeting of the Annual Conference.
  15. Resignation of council members, members of any committee should be submitted to the President and approved by the President. The President shall appoint a replacement for the vacancy. Resignation of President should be submitted to the Advisory Council and approved by the Advisory Council. The vice president shall assume the duty of the President.
  16. During a year of national or global upheaval, such is the case with a pandemic or with war, when CAPASUS business cannot be conducted as per usual, then the Advisory Council chaired by the President may submit a request to postpone the business until next year to all active members for approval. With the approval of two-thirds of the total votes received from the active members, the restrictions stated in Item 11 with sub-items 1, 2, and 3 of the Constitution shall be relaxed.


2020 CAPASUS CONSTITUTION 20200904 (Effective 2020)

2014 CAPASUS CONSTITUTION 20150904  (Effective 2014)

2014 CAPASUS BYLAWS 20150904 (Effective 2014)