The 45th Annual Conference of the Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States (CAPASUS) will be held on July 30th and July 31st, 2022 at the Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta (1775 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth, GA 30096) in Duluth, Georgia. The title of this 2022 annual conference is “From Smart Power to Smart Nations: Digital Technology and Humanities for Transnational Asian Americans.” The contents of this 2022 conference include smart cities, smart supply chain, digital forensics, global and East Asian histories through archival research, digital museums, and Asian Americans’ civic engagement and career development.
This conference will be conducted in a hybrid format. If you cannot join us in person, please scroll down and find our conference agenda on which you can find each talk/panel and its time and weblink below, so you can join us virtually. Each talk/panel is around 40-60 minutes.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Catherine Chang
2022 年7月30-31日,美東南區中華學人協會之第四十五屆年會將在Duluth的Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta (1775 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth, GA 30096) 舉辦。2022年會的會議主題是<從巧實力到智慧國家:跨國亞裔社群與數位科技及人文>,內容主題除涵蓋智慧城市、供應鏈、數位取證與更多最新智能科技發展外,還有立基於多樣性的檔案與原始材料以及運用不同研究方法的歷史解讀,數位檔案館與數位博物館的發展,與亞裔族群的個人職涯發展與社區參與經驗分享。
時間:2022年, 7月30日到7月31日
地點:Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta (Independence Ballroom)
We appreciate and graciously accept your generous donations. 我們更由衷的感謝您大方的贊助!
Saturday, July 30, 2022
(Sonesta Independence Ballroom)
Opening Ceremony
Speaker and Presentation Title
Opening Address:
Post-WWII Political History and Digital Archives in Taiwan
(Moderator: Catherine Chang, Ph.D.)
Yi-Shen Chen, Ph.D. 陳儀深 (President, Academia Historica), “From a Province to a Sovereign State: Taiwan’s Political Development as Reflected in the Three Crucial Years, 1951, 1971 and 1991從一省到一國:從1951、1971、1991三個關鍵年代看台灣政治發展”
The Age of Digital Museums
(9:55 AM connected to蔡炯民)
(Moderator: Catherine Chang, Ph.D.)Chiung-Min Tsai, Ph.D.蔡炯民 (Senior Executive Officer, National Palace Museum), “Reframing Museums: The National Palace Museum’s Digital Transformation博物館的重塑:故宮博物院的數位轉型”
Coffee Break
AI Technology, Digital Analytics and Smart Cities
(Moderator: Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D.)
(virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)James Tsai, Ph.D. 蔡宜長 (Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology), “Smart Cities: Safer Roadways for Meeting MUTCD Curve Sign Compliance, Using Low-Cost Mobile Devices, Machine Learning, and Crowdsourcing 智慧城市:發展符合標準交通控制設施守則、低成本、電腦自動學習、以及群眾分流的更安全的道路”
Lunch Break (Sonesta Independence Ballroom)
AI Technology, Smart Supply Chains and Digital Forensics
(Moderator: Mei-Lan Chen, Ph.D.)
(virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)Edward Huang, Ph.D. 黃建中 (Associate Professor, George Mason University), “Smart Supply Chains Using Digital Twin-Based Learning使用數位雙重基礎學習的智慧供應鏈”
(virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)
Chin-Tser Huang, Ph.D.黃金澤 (Professor, University of South Carolina), “Catch You, I Can: The Era of Digital Forensics神鬼鬥智:數位鑑識學的年代”
Panel Discussion I: “Asian American Civic Engagement and Advocacy in the Contemporary Southeast U.S.”
(Moderator: Kuo-Jen Liao, Ph.D.)
(virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)Jimmy Chao 趙濟民 (CEO, Chao and Associates Inc.; Member of the South Carolina Commission for Minority Affairs, AAPI Division)Seulghee Lee, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina; Member of the South Carolina Commission for Minority Affairs, AAPI Division)
Coffee Break
Young Scholar Excellent Presentation Award
(Moderator: James Tsai, Ph.D.)
(virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)Yung-An Hsieh謝詠安 (Ph.D. Student, Georgia Institute of Technology) “Dense Attention U-Net for Pavement Crack Segmentation 基於深度學習的自動化裂縫偵測”Po-Kai Hsu 許柏凱 (Ph.D. Student, Georgia Institute of Technology) “Energy-Efficient SARS-CoV-2 Genome Sequencing Engine 針對嚴重急性呼吸症候群冠狀病毒2型之高能效基因定序引擎”Yun-Ruei Ku 古耘睿 (Ph.D. Student, University of Alabama) “Timing Matters: Event-Related Potentials during Collocational Processing in English Monolinguals and Mandarin-English Bilinguals搭配詞和語境效應:來自腦電波的信息”Nealson Li 李孟謙 (Ph.D. Student, Georgia Institute of Technology) “Fully Integrated Neuromorphic Computing System for Gaze Estimation應用於視線估計之全整合類神經運算系統”Tzuhan Wang 王子函 (Ph.D. Student, Georgia Institute of Technology) “Breaking kT/C Limits in Analog to Digital-Integrated Circuit Design with Fully Digital Module Assisted Mix-Signal Converter跨越熱雜訊瓶頸:全數位輔助混和信號積體電路”
CAPASUS Member Meeting
Host: Catherine Chang, CAPASUS President
Host: Chu Chu Wu, Ph.D.
(Sonesta Independence Ballroom)
Sunday, July 31, 2022
(Sonesta Independence Ballroom)
Speaker/Presentation Title
8:30-9:20 ;
Globalization and East Asian Histories
(Moderator: Wei-Chin Lee, Ph.D.)
(Virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)Wei-Chung Cheng, Ph.D. 鄭維中 (Associate Research Fellow, Academia Sinica), “The Emergence of Tayouan Harbour in 1624: Converged Consequences of Two Remote Wars 1624年大員港的浮現:兩場遙遠戰爭的遺緒”
9 :20-10 :10;
(Virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)
Tien-Hao Jen, Ph.D. 任天豪 (Associate Professor, National Defense University), “The Cold-War Origin of the ‘Dispute’ of ‘Diaoyutai’ Islands釣魚臺「爭議」的冷戰淵源”
10 :10-10 :50
(Virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)
Fu-Chung Li, Ph.D. 李福鐘 (Associate Professor, National Cheng-chi University), “Xi Jinping and the CCP’s 20th National Congress習近平與中國共產黨的廿大全國黨員大會”
Coffee Break
Panel Discussion: “How to Prepare Yourself for American Industries?”
(Moderator: Yen-Con Hung, Ph.D.)
(Virtual moderator: Catherine Chang)
Jimmy Chao趙濟民 (CEO, Chao and Associates, Inc.)
Bin Chung, Ph.D. 鍾斌 (Senior Vice President of Technology, Maxxis Technology Center)
Yu-tung Tsai, Ph.D. 蔡裕棟 (President and CEO, Regitar U.S.A., Inc.)
Sue-Ling Wang, Ph.D. 王德 (President, Color Imaging, Inc.)
(1660 Johnson Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, Entrance 2)
Introduction: In the past year, the largest park in the City of Atlanta has been built in a low-income, predominantly black community in Atlanta, and Microsoft has announced its intentions to build a tech campus right by the park. As an under-resourced and historically marginalized community, Grove Park residents are highly vulnerable to gentrification and displacement as a result of these major infrastructure investments. For this event, we will take a tour of Westside Park and the surrounding community to learn more about what equitable and fair community development will require, including affordable housing, better transportation, and economic development, so that the people who live here are able to stay here and benefit from the revitalization of their community.
Details:This will be a community walking tour. The tour will start at Westside Park, 1660 Johnson Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, Entrance 2. The main points on the walking route will be the Westside Park Overlook, Grove Park’s Park, and Yeou-Rong’s home in the community. The tour will be about 2 miles of walking in total. If people would just like to attend the Westside Portion of the tour, it will be about half a mile of walking.
Speaker Bio: Yeou-Rong Jih is a Program Officer at The Kresge Foundation, which helps cities combat and adapt to climate change while advancing racial and economic equity. Before joining Kresge, You served as the Director of Urban Initiatives at Greenlink Analytics and the Senior Manager of Resilience Policy and Programs for the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Resilience to help cities and community-based organizations build more equitable climate and energy solutions through strong city-community partnerships. She holds a Master of Science in Research Psychology from the University of Oxford and a Bachelor of Science from Emory University in Neuroscience.
Organizers: Dr. James Tsai 蔡宜長教授 (Georgia Tech) and Dr. Catherine Chang 張嘉蘭 (CAPASUS President)
Panelists: Dr. Jeff Wu 吳建福博士 (美國國家工程院士、中研院院士與Georgia Tech的講座教授), Dr. Steven Liang 梁越昇博士 (Georgia Tech講座教授、華新麗華前總經理與玉山科技協會1995年會長), Ms. Nancy Tai 戴念華女士(永奕科技前總經理與2018年玉山科技協會), Dr. Ross Wang 王介博士(美國國家能源部的Oak Ridge National Laboratory研究員), Dr. Chih-Wei Chang 張致維博士 (Emory University住院醫學物理師)
Time September 11th (Saturday), 10:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M.
Webinar Cisco Webex
CAPASUS has rich, high-quality human resources, including many passionate leading academics and professionals since its establishment in 1977. Its long-term goal is to build a sustainable experience-sharing platform and mentorship mechanism for the transfer of knowledge and experience among senior and junior scholars/professionals, helping them to achieve leadership in the United States.
This event is titled “Career Development in the US: Challenges and Opportunities,” and it will consist of two topics presented in sequence: 1) Science and Engineering Scholars/Professionals’ Career Development, and 2) Short-Term/Temporary Appointment Outside the Home Institution. Panelists will share their professional experiences at different stages of their careers from junior to senior levels. Afterward, the panelists will answer questions raised by the audience.
由美東南區中華學人協會的蔡宜長教授與我主持籌辦,希望協會能建立一個長期的經驗分享與導師諮詢機制mentorship mechanism,以協助更多在美的學者與專業人成功並成為社區領導者。此活動將包括兩大主題:1) 科學與工程方面的學者專家的職涯發展經驗分享,包括如何發現良好的工作機會,與針對單位所需發展面試技巧;2) 在本業或原單位外發掘其他短期職涯發展機會,以促進第一職涯發展。主講人包括各世代菁英:美國國家工程院士、中研院院士與Georgia Tech的講座教授吳建福博士;Georgia Tech講座教授、華新麗華前總經理與玉山科技協會1995年會長的梁越昇博士;永奕科技前總經理與2018年玉山科技協會的戴念華前會長;直屬美國國家能源部的Oak Ridge National Laboratory 的王介博士;以及Emory University住院醫學物理師的張致維博士,這些資深與新生代的學術與專業人士將分享經驗,並回答問題。許多在學界業界經驗豐富的前輩也會參與活動,必可激盪出更多精彩討論內容。
日期:10/23/2021 (周六) 時間:9:00 A.M. 在藍嶺火車站集合 , 火車 10 A.M. 開動 集合地點:241 Depot Street, Blue Ridge, GA 30513
1. 停車地點 在繞著火車站 The Depot 附近的街道都可免費停車,除非有收費標示。另外在 BlueRidge Parking (204 West Main St.), 周末每日每車$10。
2. 由亞城出發之路線 走 I-75 向北到 I-575 出口向北,變成 Hwy 515,直走到 Blue Ridge。 第二個紅綠燈 右轉入 Cook St (角落有 Burger King),直行過紅綠燈,來到 Mountain St 再直開約 one block 可停車;或跨過鐵軌,停入左邊的市區停車 地。火車站就在 Depot St 上鐵 軌的東邊。請在火車開動前一小時抵達!火車不等人,鄭重建議,務必早到!
3. Carpool 請於 7:00 am 集合在 Sweet Hut Bakery in Duluth 前面。假如您有多餘車位可 carpool,請跟Alice 魏鳳珠 (678-614-0861 or on Line)。 Alice會在出遊前兩周公布 carpool list。
4. 購票 這次的 Fall Foliage Ride,我們將搭 10am 的火車。Please make sure to look for October 23 tickets. 請至 and book coach ADULTS ($57.00) or SENIOR ($52.00) plus tax.
5. 車廂
Option One: for Open BOX Car #2929 Note: If open airbox car 2929 is sold out (and it seems so), please book open car #2975 first; if #2975 is sold out, please book open car 114. If these 2 cars are sold out, then just book whatever box car you can get the tickets. We will have enough time on-site to chat.
Restaurants open for lunch at McCaysville, GA
Option Two: Close Coach Car #332 請只就以上車廂號與選擇次序做選擇,如此我們才能坐在一起,暢談、暢遊。建議大家在盡早購票。秋天是旅遊旺季,若不從早,可能買不到票和我們同去。若買到票,請在我們的 Line 上接龍,填上您的車廂號和人数。歡迎邀請您的朋友和家人同遊。
6. 午餐 在 McCaysville, GA。由於我們必須準時回到火車站,如果大家要一起用餐,請至 Burra Burra and Twisted Tomato. These two restaurants have many options and vegetarian dishes.
7. After Trip Optional Activity Mercier Orchards 8660 Blue Ridge Dr. Blue Ridge GA 30513
Call us at 706-632-3411
All-Year 9 AM to 5 PM every day(closed on Christmas, New Year’s Day, Easter, and Thanksgiving)
超吸睛的眼球秘史—從名人八卦談你不能不知道的眼科疾病 The Secret History of Eyes: From Historical Figures to the Eye Diseases That You Must Know
講者: Wei-Li Chen, MD., Ph.D 陳偉勵 (陳映瞳)教授/醫師, National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital 時間: April 10 (Saturday) at 10:00 AM (Eastern Time, US and Canada)
地點: Webinar via Zoom, The webinar will be in Chinese and there will not be recordings of this event (研討會將全程中文進行且無錄影)
Dr. Wei-Li Chen is a winner of the Taipei Literature Award and the Taiwan Literature Award. A prolific writer, Dr. Chen applies her expertise and insightful analysis to write for Tianxia magazine and The Mandarin Daily Newspaper particularly on students’ learning experiences and child-rearing. In this webinar, Dr. Chen will bring her expertise and cultural interest together to generate our audience’s interest in medical history.
Types of Criminal Activities during the Covid-19 Pandemic
March 13 (Saturday) at 10:00 AM by Dr. Edward Huang 黃建中教授, George Mason University
Dr. Edward Huang’s research focuses on supply chain analysis, and he has participated in projects funded by NSF, AFOSR, IARPA, CICMHE, and POSTECH. Dr. Huang will focus on the operations of illicit actors in the cyberworld, in both the open web and dark web, and the supply chains and payment systems for online drug sales, counterfeit pharmaceuticals, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). These illicit supply chains of vital medical products pose an unprecedented risk to public health (and security). 黃建中教授任教於George Mason 大學,並與不同美國聯邦組織如國家科學基金會、空軍科學研究室等機構合作從事各類數據分析的研究。黃教授將在這個專題座談中,運用數據分析指出新冠疫情中假藥、劣質醫療產品與疫苗等如何充斥線上銷售市場,並危及公衛安全。